Amazing and unique gameplay, but very short and somewhat confusing storyline. Absolutely worth the play though!
-Unique gameplay. You manipulate gravity to move around in the world and to fight enemies!
-Entertaining and fun! For the time that you are playing, you won't want to put the game down... be prepared to play your Vita with a power cord folks!!
-Interesting art style. Cut scenes are in the form of comics, and the game's art is very well done, all be it different.
-Lenient deaths. If you die during a battle, you are brought to a recent checkpoint. This is really nice compared to some games who make you load from your last save!!!!
-You have to collect purple gems that can be used towards leveling up. This gives you the freedom to level up how you want, but it can be a pain to fly around collecting the gems.
-You have to search for and collect green gems to heal your health. This can also be a pain because you must break battles in order to run away and search for these gems. If you cannot find any, then you can be killed.
-Made-up language. The characters all use a made-up language in the game. I am considering this a Neutral because some people are very strict about playing English-only games, so this could bug them. Even though the language is made-up, subtitles and dialogue bubbles are used too, so you can tell what the characters are saying.
(FYI: Despite what you may hear or read, the language is NOT Japanese!!!)
-Mini games. There are mini games, or more like challenges, that allow you to gain purple gems and to beat your personal records. Personally, I found these boring and pointless, but to some, it may not be.
-Main storyline is short. I finished the game in about 3 1/2 hours.
-Main storyline is kind of confusing. I found it like sitting through a college Physics class on a Monday morning. You kind of get what's going on, but the details are very, VERY fuzzy. You might need a few playthroughs to completely understand everything.
-Low Replay Value. I just beat the game minutes ago, so I cannot say for sure, but the post-game section seems a little boring. You can go back in time and also visit places you have been to. Doing this really only lets you defeat levels again and max out your stats.
You can also try to get golds on all mini games, but if you are like me and don't care for those, then that too is pointless.
The best thing you can do it replay the entire game... start over. That will allow you to better grasp the story, but a complete replay can only be fun so many times, right?
-Camera can be clunky at times. It doesn't like surfaces (walls, grounds, ceilings... it all depends on perspective with this game LOL).
-Gyro/Motion controls can be a pain. I really hate games that require you to use motion controls, whether they are games for the Vita, PS3, cell phone, etc. I have such a hard time controlling them and I really do not feel that anyone should be forced to use them! This game requires the motion controls for the Power Slide (a land surfing-like move), and also uses it to help you to lock on to enemies and aim your gravity fall. The aiming is no biggie for me, but the Power Slide is super difficult to do in my opinion.
-Some battles can be very frustrating... especially earlier on. Until you begin to master the controls (or at become fairly good at them), you may be screaming at the game. I've had a few battles where I was getting frustrated (like 2), and one in particular that almost made me throw my Vita. After you get past these though, everything becomes second nature to you and things feel easier.
Definitely pick up this game if you own a Vita. This is one of those must-haves for this system. It may be short, but it is worth the play.
SPOILER!!!!!!! (Maybe????)
The ending leaves us at a sort of cliffhanger. They kind of do one of those "THE END! (or is it?)" things.
There very well could be a sequel to this game, and I really hope there is too. I for one would certainly buy it!!!!!