Good PaintBall Fun!!!!

User Rating: 7.8 | Greg Hastings' Tournament Paintball XBOX
When I saw that there was a paintball fighting game out I had to jump on it right away. At 1st I wonder who would be making this and how good do they make games. But I went ahead and got it anyway ($20 at best buy + 5 dollar off coupon=$15) The game play really took me for a ride. The A.I. in this game it some of the best I seen in a while. I have more fun playing offline then on-line. The online play is more run-n-gun. I mean most matches only takes 30-60 seconds to be over with. So that right there can show how fast pace this game is online. But the game offline is more of a team base game. Your team mates will give to cover fire and flank left and right. CTF is very fun in this game to. The computer will play very smart and move in packs sometimes, run and gun you down. The graphics are up to par nothing big and nothing new. The guns look good and the player motions are good. One thing I do like is the paintballs. They look real and hit other things like they should in real life (face shots are crazy) only thing I wish was changed would be different masks cause u only see out of one the whole game. The sound is average but with my 5.1 I don't think they did a good job on mixing the two back channels cause sounds will come out the wrong speaker when it should be it the other. But you can use custom soundtracks so listening to your music while fighting is good. With x-box live some will find the value good. But for me I don't like run-n-gun type games and with this game it's so different playing online, very fast pace play. So if u like that type of game then u will get more out of this then the SP part. Overall I think this game slip by a lot of people but give it a rent and see if it's a buy