Hastings' Tournament Paintball is a surpsingly solid achievement and a refreshing approach to the first person shooter.
User Rating: 8.9 | Greg Hastings' Tournament Paintball XBOX
Tournament Paintball should not be overlooked for one simple aspect; it's gameplay. The features implemented into this game are so useful, they will leave you wondering why every first person shooter can't have these very same features. The simple usefulness of every single button on the Xbox controller puts use to just about every move you could possibly perform in a paintball game. Some cool little tidbits like the cheat meter; a circular meter that appears after you get hit with a paintball in which you have to stop the cursor over a green section in order to "cheat" and pretend you didn't get hit to stay alive is just an example of some of the unique gameplay styles of Tournament Paintball. The single player is a basic tournament campaign spanning across the map and jumpin locales, playing different teams to earn credits in order to upgrade your character. The online mode has many fun gametypes, but even simple ones like Elimination and Capture the Flag are addictive as ever. Tournament Paintball is a good pickup for anyone who needs a fun, harmless first person shooter sure to satisfy any paintball fan with it's credible portrayal of the ever-growing sport.