Ok it's time for another twist on survival horror genre well I guess it's survival horror its kind of hard to put into a category. You are wandering the wilderness one day and growing weary you need to rest for the night...luckily you spot a hotel and go in to rest only to discover for some strange reason you can never leave. (It's sort of like a weird game version of 'Hotel California' by the Eagles.) Anyway you meet up with the Grim Reaper...In your dreams and he tells you about a number of lost souls trapped in the hotel owned by gregory (demented mouse owner of the hotel.) anyway he'll help you esape if you manage to get him all the lost souls trapped in the hotel then he'll get you out of there. so so the wierdness begins. There are many other guests in the hotel and many of them have a lost soul trapped in a jar hiden in their rooms or on their person you must learn the guests daily routines and plan your actions to confuse trap or otherwise delay them in order to steal their souls and deliver them to the reaper, you meet a variety of bizarre folk around the hotel from a gunslinging cactus...a girl with two faces...A lizard dressed as a nurse with a fetish for big needles and a bizzare set of schales that reels around ending every sentance with the word JUDGEMENT!...it's wierd stuff. As you make enemies around the hotel several of the unusual inhabitants will chase you around...if they catch you you'll be treated to their own personal horror show...they do something disturbing and your sanity is shaken...lose enough sanity to really crack up and it's game over...you can recover sanity by sleeping and reading books you find around the hotel, facinating stuff. The Graphics are as unorthodox as the title itself all the characters are essentially made of boxes and the style remains simple without being poor in quality, I'd really like to go into more depth on the gameplay here but besides what i've tried to go into above it's really a difficult one to put into words, it's really a case of try it and see. Once you get the basic concept and learn how to play the game you can progress just fine but real meaning behind exactly what's going on will probably escape completely and the game becomes all the more compelling for it. While the controlles could use some tweaking and the gameplay itself isn't entirely breath taking it's a real rare and unusual title while perhaps not being to everyones taste it does hold rewards even if only for the quantity of completely insane characters and gameplay If you like things simple...i.e: Princess captured...go to castle...kill dragon...snog princess save yourself the brain damage and stick to what you know If you have a taste for the strange, a games collection begging for some insane spice, or you always dreamed of working for the grim reaper stealing souls in a hotel run by an insane rat then I'd say go for it.
Gregory Horror Show. This bizarre game is about you getting lost in the woods, and stumbling into a creepy hotel in the middle of nowhere, only to be greeted by a strange mouse calling himself gregory. He then procee... Read Full Review
...Gregory Horror Show... ...I got this game a long time ago but i love it!... ...You have to escape this hotel by finding the residents weak points in the hotel, some can be easy but others take a few hours or MOR... Read Full Review