...Lord of Judeville ere!... Iamafreakygamer
...I got this game a long time ago but i love it!...
...You have to escape this hotel by finding the residents weak points in the hotel, some can be easy but others take a few hours or MORE to find out!...
...At the end you relise your character did not just walk in to the freaky hotel but he or her wanted to escape reality in real life and somhow ended in the hotel because they NEEDED to!...
I'm not to keen on puzzle games but this one is different, basically you have to be at a certain place at a certain time - Its great!
Good graphics - (even though there heads are square)!
Brilliant characters around the hotel!
Music and sounds are cool,
suprisingly it can make jump somtimes!
Amazing story line and freaky character voises!
Can irritate you when you have no clue how to get a soul grrrr!
You should be able to choose how your character looks like
...Unfortunatly i handed this to my friends and eventually it got really scatched and my game is nearly broke waa!...
...I love this game and I think you should get it!...
...TY for reading my reveiw!...