Still kinda unfinished but exciting!

User Rating: 8 | Grey Goo PC

The positive:

-I played human just like I saw Bikerush doing in his stream the other day. They are actually a lot of fun: Their Harvesters can be stealthed to harvest the whole map, your bombers are super strong, your alpha kicks ass and their mid game units are powerfull as well.

-I also like how a good Human player can just spam half the map with conduit crosses and expand more virus like than the goo. I dont like that the conduit cross placement is so glitched out cause of the rectangular placement and the map design, there always is an end to your expansion somewhere in the map.

-It is easy to get good in this game with the new hotkeys (QWER) and your learning courve is higher than in any RTS i ever played

-There are many different tactics

The negative (some glitches which will be fixed I hope, but also gameplay issues):

-Your units lack diversity, your tier 1 only gives you 2 different units (beta/human)

-If you went into a hotkey-tree (QWER) and you want to get out again cause you didnt want to build a unit but instead u want a building, there is no hotkey for that

-Your Units lack intelligence

-Your Attack move is bugged (Leftclick + A works, strg + rightclick needs to be pushed twice)

-You still wait at the beginning for about 2 Minutes before you can really start with the game and I see no point why you shouldnt start with a Factory from the beginning instead of a tier 1 unit. This would make the gameplay so much better: you could rush, you can sell your factory and go for 2nd ref, you can tech up.

-There is no good control group, especially when you want to select your air units that are spread out all over the map.

-The campaign mission 4 (where you build your hand of ruk) is only doable if you easen up your difficulty settings (the grey goo pc just spams too much units/artillery!)

-The beta have a stupid tech up structure: They need tech for every factory again (just like human) but they still need the divider, and for their big facotry they need a small factory first that takes up your precious spot. Also, a huge divider will be so hard to be placed on those maps!

-After only 5h of gaming I beat every AI in the game (which doesnt mean much) and I tried myself at the ladder but unfortunately couldnt find a game due to region locking that is still not solved. But: A patch to fix this has been announced! Finally! I'm so excited to get started on the multiplayer.

ALL IN ALL this game really gets me going and I will update this review after the patch released!