Codemasters did it right this time, high grafix as DIRT, but runs extremely perfect this time with no performance issues

User Rating: 9.5 | Race Driver: GRID PC
If you tried out DIRT of Codemaster, i guess you'll know what i mean.

this game really made of very high grafix, visual effects, sounds and gameplay, DIRT is almost this way but failed in few minor things got it lost to GRID.

As I wrote, this game is really perfect, and has wide range of driving varieties keep you far away from being bored, plus it runs perfect on my PC not like DIRT at all .. you may experience very very few crashes issues, but i suspect the gaming messenger for that, besides it happened after so many times and huge time hours of gameplay, but i guess it's a must to try the demo because am not sure how this kindda great game will perform on other's PCs.

It's true the game is really hard and very challenging, but this is racers job, a game being challenging is pure fun, so skip the idea of playing this game with a keyboard, try the demo using a gamepad then judge the great game and give it a chance.