"..the finest racing game ever made..graphics,game play,detail,physics..its the best on the 360..incredible.."

User Rating: 10 | GRID X360
giving a 10/10 is so easy for grid,any score less than that would be under rating it.it is so brilliantly made that we ought to thank the makers for giving us such an entertainer.falls exactly between a simulation and an arcade.perfect blend of game play, the game i would say with the highest graphics and detail ever made,so good the car detail is and so are the physics of each car in this game that you would play it just to enjoy what you see on your tv.its a game you can easily show off the power of the xbox 360,far better than any of the biggest racing names around :-)..its gonna be another sure hit series.i was amazed at what dirt was visually and always wished that they make a street racing game and this is more than what you can ask for.its so good that i want all raciong fans to own one because this is one game that is outstanding..!!!!
gameplay-9.5/10 ( should have been made little more arcadish )
cars,physics and detail-10/10
damage engine-10/10
cameras and replay-10/10