This is a game that got it spot on, giving the adventure genre a shiny figurehead to look at and admire.

User Rating: 10 | Grim Fandango PC
Grim Fandango is a beautiful game about the struggles of a man in the grim reaper business getting screwed over by the MAN! Its creative and challenging (really challenging, really frustratingly f*cking challenging) and doesn't sell out to the whole "it worked for this game so we'll do it" approach. This is a great example of what Lucasarts can do when its not busy fingering around the jam jar of Star Wars for a new plot.

Grim Fandango is one of the great settings and concepts I've seen in all my years in gaming. I love the super-stylized graphics and the voice-acting is great. It has a great thing going for it and that is immersion, you really feel a part of it as you're doing it, and you'll get really into figuring it all out. Of course figuring out that you're supposed to put object X in position Y may taking you an hour but when you figure it out you're more satisfied than beating most games (especially since this game makes a modern shooter on the hardest difficulty look PISS EASY).

This game is what gaming should be and if you don't agree its because your too thick to figure out how to play because this game what you can actually legitimately call CHALLENGING.