Tons of kool licensed cars, but the wheel doesnt make the game any easier...
The graphics and the music actually arent as high tech u think it would be. Escpecially for the Wii. The only good graphical stuff are the cars...They look pretty smooth. But the sound and the graphics arent a good show-off.
Another thing i hate is the fact that u start out with crappy cars! And u can even buy parts until u unlock them! And if ur no good at the game, like me, its gonna take a while to get some parts!!! GRRRRRRR! I hate that!
The game isnt really all that great, which for the most part, makes u mad at everything! It makes u wanna throw the wheel down! Oh ya, and i hate the steering wheel cuz its just waaaaaay too sensitive. And it scratches up the front of ur Wii-mote. They could have made this game way better than this. This is a bad game for the Wii. Dont get me. I give it 5 crappy cars out of 10!