'Dont waste your time or money on this'
'think gran turismo one for ps1'
Well certainly not up to wiis potential.I have to be harsh on this one it is so terrible it will make you want to scream.I litteraly played it for 5 minutes at the most before slamming down my remote.it just looks shabby its games like this that ruin the wiis reputation.Dont let it fool you you will not be impressed.
Gameplay - 2.5/10
'I dont even know'
I didnt even take long enough to esablish the controls it makes you wanna say **** this im playing somthing better. I guees the contols are like exite truck (wiimote sideways use it to turn) but that dosent make it any more fun or an excuse for this terrible game.
Sound - 2.5/10
'Hear them scrreeeechh'
annoying noises when you turn.Cheesy music.A basic bang when you crash + you do the maths +
Overall - 2.5/10
'Dont make my mistake'
AH well at least it comes at budget price, and with a free sterring wheel , you mighy say but once youve played you wont care about anything except how bad this is. and why did you even by it in the first place, urgh ,discraceful,just discraceful