WoW step aside, a new champion of MMORPGs has arrived...

User Rating: 9.5 | Guild Wars 2 PC
This is quite possibly the best looking MMO out there. This game is beautiful. The art and design style will have you staring as a beautiful background image wishing you could go up to it, finding out that you actually can visit that amazing scenery and see it up close. I've played Guild Wars 2 early in the beta into release and was not disappointed. Early on you are introduced into the games form of questing and storytelling. Each of the races have unique introductions to the lore of Guild Wars 2. You could be a Human fending off invading centaurs, or a Charr defeating the Ghost of Ascalon.

Each of the racial starting zones feature a boss that lets you know the kind of excitement you are in for as you progress throughout the different areas. And when you complete your introduction zone you are thrown into the game to start your adventure. There are 3 major forms of gaining experience outside of fighting the various creatures of Tyria. You complete events which function as a large part of your game play that reward experience, coin, and Karma, a form of special currency that usually provides goods available to your character. You complete large group missions with several other players that increases in difficultly as more and more players join you in your fight. Next are Hearts. Hearts function as your progression in a specific area that gives you Experience, coin, and Karma. Lastly is your personal story. this is your single player adventure to which you could invite a friend to join you. This is the main narrative and tells the story of the Dragons, and how they are creating havoc across Tyria with your personal role in this battle.
This game is divided into 3 separate types:

PvE - these areas consist, in constrast of what happened in GW1, of open explorable areas where the players in the server can coexist. Only when you enter certain instances or dungeons will you be alone with your party.

sPvP - or structured PVP, works in a way that allows everyone to play at the same level, this way the only thing that distinguish a player from another, is his class and skill playing GW2

WvW - world vs world is a new game mode in which the players from one server work together to battle against 2 other servers in order to control different outposts or towers or castles there are. Capturing and holding these control points gives you boosts.