The most fun I've had with an MMO since 2004.

User Rating: 9.5 | Guild Wars 2 PC
GW2 is everything Anet promised and then some. It's fresh, it's beautiful, and it's interesting. There's something for everyone whether you like PvE, SPvP or WvWvW. The world is fun to explore and rewards are everywhere. In my opnion the best feature is the down leveling function; you cannot outlevel the content so all the zones will always be viable for your character to play through and you don't have worry what level your friends are.

Other things I really enjoy are the NPC dialogues and the 'less than obvious' dynamic events that are nested here and there. Lions Arch is my favorite city but all of the capitals are exotic in a walking through Disneyworld kind of way.

What would I change? I'd like to see an LFD tool and I'd tweak Wv3 so that you'd have to fight your way off your own map...establish some initial frontlines.

GW2 is an outstanding game that I believe will be a really good time for a long time to come.