u eaither love it or hate it AND I LUV IT!!!!!!!

User Rating: 9.8 | Guild Wars (Special Edition) PC
this game is awsome It has sum unbelivble graphics for a RPG game the story i think is pretty kewl and just the variety u get ouit of this game is just amazing this game is the full package. And another kewl thing is u dnt have to pay monthly. I used to play everquest an i liked the game but i hated those monthly fees. And guild wars its a game just as good or better and noo monthly fees. What i like best of this game is even if u are nub u can learn quickly and feel left out! Also right in the beggining of the game u get sum pretty kewl moves no matter what class you are and this is good because u wont have to get to the middle of the game just for it to get exciting. This game has a awsome quest mode i think this features a little of everything whether u wanna fight in the forest a dungeon or the mountains this game has it all and like i said before u will enjoy loking at the awsome scenery as u move from level to level i belive this is one of the ebst gamesive ever played and all this talk is comin from a fps fan and i gave this game a chance and i loved it!