Guild Wars is back, and it does not dissapoint.
--I got my key yesterday and went all out in GW. First thing i did was go to lions arch and get the quest from that caldoron guy. Then i went out through north kryta province and found the crevasse. After going in i fought some Krytan undead and marveled at the gigantic underground passage that led me to a group of dwarves. After a short cutscene i was chased by a group of fearsome looking destroyers, you have around 3 minutes to get to the asura gate before they lop off your head. After around 2 mins i reached the gate and another cutscene popped up. After that your at the first outpost.. That was a pretty action packed start from the new xpansion :D. After that, i had to go to the Eye of the North, a human settlement where we met a character familiar to those who played the first campaign of the series. Then you find out that the destroyers want to destroy all races of the world so you basically have to get help from the norn, asuras, and humans. It isnt easy as you think cuz you have to complete a chain of quests for each of the 3 races. And mind you its fun. Before heading off though, i played a few minigames at Gunnars Hold, a major city. Theres one minigame npc whose habits may be familiar to players of World of Warcraft. Kilroy Stoneskin is one hot headed dwarf who's minigames focus on boxing up people. When you start a boxing minigame, your skills are replaced with brawling skills, and each skill has a unique function, like dodging, damage dealing, knockdown, and a certain skill u use to "get up" when u get KO'ed. The first minigame has you boxing with a group of Norn, after you beat that, you have to help Kilroy beat up a bunch of Stone Summit dwarves who owe him money (yes, they owe him money). One thing that made me lol was when he shouts "Kiiillrrooooy Stooneeskiiiiin" which gives you a gigantic buff. The next part of the minigame was to beat up the champion norn and u get the thunderfist knuckles. The other minigame was a tournament and then u fignt Magni Bison (errr sounds alot like M. Bison from the street fighter games) Some characters in the tournament become your heroes if you beat them, and one of them gave me a book on how to hatch my own moa bird lol. After a lot of playing around i decided to check out the world itself. I went out of Gunnars Hold and travelled. The enemies seem smarter to me, as they now actually try to flank you. Some enemies dont really look like enemies at first. Like while i was travelling, i saw this little bunny, as i went toward it, it led me through to a beautiful tree surrounded by lots of flowers and plants. When i got close, GOSH, ghosts and specters came out of nowhere and murdered our group..... awesome experience though :D Then i tried this master quest at Eye of the North, u have to defend the place from waves of centaur. Me and my group camped near the ramp and then the pesky centaurs came. Most were just level 8's at first, no problem. Then another group, and another group, yet another group, and a snowball lol, yes a snowball. Me and my group were laughing at it and we were right in its path. Then, half of our party died lol. Little touches that Anet have made to the game surely bring up a great experience. Though, our party never won (after 11 tries) we still came out happy, and bruised. I finally decided to do the main quest and WOW, voice acting is actually pretty good this time ( i couldnt believe my ears when i heard "the Brain"). The difficulty is also cranked up a bit, obviously because its for the veteran players. One of the quests had us going to a dungeon to close a Asura gate where the destroyers were pouring out from. We had to use certain transformation skills to avoid being knocked down while closing the gate, all in all a success. We also had to bash down blockades with our newly acquired bear skills and beat down hordes of the charr. This is as far as I've got for now and its been a pretty good ride. The only negative thing i can say is that the hall of monuments isnt what i expected it to be as of now. As well as people are selling endgame greens for like 100k hehe (but thats economy i guess lol). But wow.. i just barely scratched the surface of the game and I'm already enjoying it. Good job Anet for making the best game in the series and i hope you make GW2 as enjoyable a experience. To the players, all i can say is get the game if you've got the money!!! (And to haters, please try the game, u mite like it...)