Guild Was is an awesome game. It's well worth the money and you could almost play it forever.

User Rating: 10 | Guild Wars (Special Edition) PC
This game is awesome. The store is the best i've ever seen, the combat is really fun, the PVE is not quite as fun as the PVP but still really fun. The game can get anoing at some times because of it's large number of quests. It can also be hard to get a group in the missions but if you have a good build and good weapons you should me able to do the missions and most of the bonuses with henchmen. You can expect whiny little noobs to but it's easy to just kick them from your group or ignore them. There is also some really cool looking weapons and armor. But if you wan't a rare perfect weapon you beater do some farming cause you will be paying a large amount of gold for them. When you beat the game there is still plenty of things to do and you should always have something to do, I have spent over 1,500 hours on this game and still love it!!!!