The myspace of competitive online roleplaying games.
But, I would be retarded if I just judged the game based on it's single-player campaign, which is almost kind of non-existent anyways. The multi-player aspect, that's where I really don't get this.
I'm playing this tutorial, which is so-so. I didn't even realize it was the tutorial. I just thought the game was boring. I stuck with it. Then, all of a sudden I'm fighting these real people. They wipe their butts with my face. I'm humiliated, but I live. After the fact, I realize what happened. Fair enough, I just need to learn.
But then I get into the real game, and it just isn't fun. Everything is wicked hard, but without any kind of point. It's "kind of" sandboxy, but it feels real limited too, like a hall of mirrors, or Disneyland or something. They want you to feel like it's a huge online game, but... it really isn't. It's just Goofy in the corner selling tools for flaying people alive.
I feel like I just entered a "Myspace: The Online Game". All I see is a giant guild popularity contest, only with a lame Ren-Faire feel, except with Jocks who play Madden 47 on their PS3's they bought on the first day, instead D&D types.
"Hey man, check out my new band, er... guild." I'm tired of you asking. I do not want to be apart of the "Dark Evil Destructers". It's like every bad Gothic garage band in the world went out and named their guild after themselves.
And I wish you all would get over the Anime thing. All the "softness" of this game was starting to give me a migraine.
I feel like I'm getting fanboyish myself whining like this. The honest truth is, I just don't get it... If you LOVE this game, I wish you well. The single player blows, and the system is frustrating even when chopping friends into tiny pieces. Please, don't get angry, I know, "I missed the point." I admit it, I did. I really tried to get it, and I still think it's the myspace of RPG's.