Guild wars Nightfall is a great game, yet with all the new additions its hard for new players to join in the fun.
User Rating: 8.6 | Guild Wars Nightfall PC
Guild wars Nightfall is a great game, yet with all the new additions its hard for new players to join in the fun. The only big problem with guild wars nightfall is that it has almost too much added. Adding the heroes the new gameplay and, its very overwhelming for even expierenced players. If you are new to the Guild wars trilogy then stick with Prophecies or factions(though i prefer prophecies) and wait to see if you like it. The graphics in this game are very vibrant and colorful, it is not a huge jump but it still keeps the taste of the other 2 Guild wars games. The AI is what Arena net was focusing on when making Nightfall. Your Heroes are extremely helpful and you can customize them in various different ways. The enemies are also smarter and now fight your weaker party members, like the elementalist assasin etc. If your a new players and can take alot of things in at once then give it a try. If you cant choose another Guild wars game, If you are expierenced then get it, theres not question as if you should get or not. The voice overs are great too, and it helps that there mouths actually move. The 2 new profeshions added r good but not needed. As when prophecies was made they made profeshions that were needed. The music in this game is also great, the orchestra from factions is back and does a freat deal in Nightfall too.