I have mixed reactions about this game. On one hand, PvE has been drastically improved. PvP (Player vs. Player) on other...lacking. PvE: New Heroes, 20 Missions, New skills to capture, New Twists, Better Story, and 2 new professions. PvP: 1 new way to PvP...Hero Battles. As the title suggests Hero Battles is where you bring in 3 of your Heroes and fight another player with 3 of his heroes. The fights are decent length and the action between the two is intense, but I found myself micromanaging the heroes more than I was working on my character. Heroes are the main attraction in this game aside from the two new professions. They are computer A.I. which you basically control. This creates problems as the community in this game isn't very nice at times and apparently most prefere to work alone. So I congratulate Arena-net and their ability to once and for all make groups even harder to find. I find it takes almost twice as long to find a group in PvE as Heroes are used quite a bit more. The missions and quests (thank god!) are imaginitive all the way until the end. Wurms or Junundu (sp) you ride allow innovation in the game, but again another complaint. Wurm riding gets very very dull. I would like to say Heroes and Creative Missions are great in this game. And to a certain extent they do. Just not past my expecations. I'm merely satisfied with this game. The Graphics haven't changed much. Neither has the sound. Swords sound like Swords and Spells sound like Spells. Music by Jeremy Soule at first is epic, but it seems like he's lost inspiration throughout the middle of it. Music changes now when you are fighting which is a nice little touch and is good enough for me to change the score of sound from disasterously low to merely decent. Overall its a great game worth picking up with many "little" changes. Must pick for a Guild Wars fan just for the the new skills, Access to heroes, 2 new professions and new storyline (if your a lore fanatic).
With a mind-blowing storyline, scenery that you just want to reach out and touch, edge of your seat action, revamped audio, and features no other game has had before, Nightfall is something that every person should have ... Read Full Review
This game is easily the best Guild Wars title so far. If you push back all the online MMO flame wars and look at it as a game, it becomes clear that this game is really a great quality title. The gameplay is not subst... Read Full Review