a solid online RPG

User Rating: 9.4 | Guild Wars (Special Edition) PC
guild wars does a lot for the MMO genre, it completely rids teh bad things u find in an MMO. noobs are most welcome in this game and experts are too (while more of teh hardcore players would rather switch to WoW or Lineage II) a great starter MMO and its perfect for all those poeple who don't have a very powerful pc to play everquest (or a game thats has similar syqstem req.) the best part about GW is the MOnthly fee...THERE IS NONE!!! although guild wars isn't a full MMORPG its still very similar. the game has a average PVE (player verses Enviroment), u go around, accpet quest, do quests, level, repeat. u will do that a lot in PVE. But the thing that makes GW really shine is teh PVP (player verese player). here u have to protect your guild lord and kill you're ooponents guild lord. for just normal pvp u ahve to eliminate the enemy. there are different modes. you can decide to just create a normal pve character and play in pvp or gvg with him/her. or u can create a pvp only character which gives you a max lv. 20 character thats premade by Arena net themselves. the game has a lot of features that most hardcore players will NOT like. but every1 else is most welcome! its an awesome game expierence that you really can't find anywhere else!