Another Online Role-playing game. Do we really need them?
On the surface, GW looks like your typical MMORPG.
You can create your own character, choose your class (or two simultaneously if you want) and all the standard MMORPG stuff that we all have come to know and love. And, let's face it right away, as a standard MMORPG, GW doesn't quite hold up to todays standards. The quests are pretty much the same all the way through, there aren't really that many items and such, and it gets pretty tiresome after a while. But, that's when the real game kicks in!.
All this time, when playing it as a standard RPG, a completely different game has been lurking in the shadows, watching your every move as you've gained more skills, and gotten better weapons. What I'm talking about is the incredible PvP part of GW, which is what the game really is all about.
You see, these days, MMORPGs aren't looked at as a competitive genre, since there isn't a lot of skill involved besides from pressing the right button at the right time. GW takes this notion, and literally pees all over it. (kind of gross, huh?). GW serves as a awesome PvP game, if not the best to date, and delivers gametypes similar to TDM, CTF and some other types. So, what's so great about the PvP you ask? Well, I'll tell you. It's not the fact that it resembles a normal multiplayer game, or something like that. It's the fact that it actually takes some skill to play the game. You see, in GW you can only have 8 skills handy at any given time, and you have to choose those skills carefully in order to be successful. And the remarkable thing is, that if you don't have a clue on what you are doing, you'll still have a lot of fun when you first encounter the PvP aspect of GW.
In conclusion, if you're expecting a game like WOW or EQ2, you may want to look somewhere else. However, if you played those sorts of games before, and were disappointed with the PvP portion, you should diffidently pick up GW, as it will probably entertain you for months and months to come!