A totally awesome game with probably one flaw. All though the names of the cities are pretty confusing. :P
User Rating: 9.6 | Guild Wars Factions PC
When I first bought this game I thought to myself "All sequels ar eworse than the original but then when I popped it in an finnaly got to play the game I was shocked by all the new and amazing additions. Maps, character classes, skills and attributes, spells, and items. This game had much more to offer than the original GW. But one flaw that was in the original GW was in Factions as well. The charcters mouths didn't move when they talked. I also found confusing was the city names. Shing Jea Montasey, that was a name that perplexed me. Anyway, the game is totally amazing and deserves a standing ovation for it's hard work put into it. I would recommend this game to any die-hard fantasy MMORPG gamers out there. Only if you enjoyed the first Guild Wars though. Whew, what a game.