Guild Wars brings new ideas to MMORPGs, and follows some old traditions as well.

User Rating: 9.1 | Guild Wars (Special Edition) PC
Gameplay(9/10)- The gameplay of Guild Wars is very strategic based. You only have 8 skills to weild, so you have to decide which ones based on your enemies and your teammates. You can buy skills at a skill trainer. Also, there are hundreds of weapons to find and sell, and dozens of armor to buy for your class. Classes are limited to only 5 however, and there are no races. Just human. The game is also hard, so newbies to MMORPG's might have a hard time understanding the concepts. Finally, the level cap is 20, which you get to not very far in the storyline. Graphics(9/10)- The graphics are beautiful. You don't even need a very good video card for this. The shadings are nice, and you can go to first person view to see the full beauty of the world.

Sound(8/10)- The music is okay, but it kind of gets annoying after awhile. And repetitive.

Value(10/10)- The story is extremely long, as you would expect from a roleplaying game. Furthermore, you can do sidequests or farm for money. Lastly, there are fun PvP islands that put you up against other players in different ways.

Tilt(9/10)- Ultimately, this game is an enchanting experience and a must-buy. So, what are you waiting for?!? Buy it now!