Awesome MMORPG plus... ITS FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

User Rating: 9.3 | Guild Wars Factions PC
That's the best part, it's free. More action than WoW and (in my opinion) better professions and races. Warcraft is (again in my opinion) meant to be a strategy game, but WoW is an awesome game too. But, this is better. I am not ther MMORPG kinda guy, im more a shooter person, but, this game deserves a spot in any Pc gamer's collection. Also t;s a bit more fast paced and more combat. I like this game and you should too. *Goes to spend 10-15 hours on this game over the week*. Ohh and 1 more thing. Since it's summer (long 3 months away from school for most of us) + it take's you quite a while to finish= great time.