Its a china town in a box!

User Rating: 8.2 | Guild Wars Factions PC
Well don't get pissed at me if I'm wrong and their japanese...

Anyways, I still play this game and I havn't lost interest as fast as I did in WoW. I mean I've played hundreds of games and I'm rating them right however don't forget viewers tilt thats just my impression but unlike most who just say it sucks because they suck at it or pissed because they never played a MMORPG like diablo before if you have played Diablo and/or WoW you'll feel at home. This game offers towns and outposts in which players are together to form groups like somewhat diablo does and this game offers pets and skills to use while in combat and lots of running around (With exception to being able to click on map to just travel) This offers a big change though because when you have a quest and you zone out into a hostile area you got the piece to yourself with no hassle of having to wait in a line as people kill a boss and wait for respawn no no this has none of that. Your OWN personal world and like diablo you form a sqaud with people before you go out or you can get henchmen like NPC characters that help you fight in place of people you would normally have in your party.

The game doesn't have the usual problems of WoW or anything boring like the places you see dont change much sure they just add grass or sand but they only put the same land scape just differant skins infact there are probably 4 differant caves but they just add snow or lava or something but its the same damn thing. It gets boring. This game doesn't have that problem this game is just full of fun things to do without the hassle of monthy payments and high computer requirements infact its like WoW in graphics but you run it you can make the game look better than WoW :D

I said China Town in a box because its just one big asian paradise in Factions and then you got like a american community in Tyria. You get secondary professions in this so you can be a ranger/monk or assassin/warrior and vise versa.

The big thing in this game is that you utilize your second profession since your max lvl is 20 you need to use tactics and strategies like getting on higher land or something to have a advantage if taking a lvl 30 foe who might even be a elite also! As a lvl 20 ranger/monk I have a pet bear who stands up and knocks the Sh*t out of people hes like 10 feet tall you don't get that in WoW and well I kill lvl 28s and do alot of quests which is like a group of 6 lvl 20s vs 500 Stone summit dwarves lvl 20-28 some elite and yeah it can get frusterating if you aren't prepared or can't think on your feet.

It keeps you on the edge of your chair I have a wooden chair and I do that to keep my ass from getting numb :(

However truely get faction first since it has all the overwhelming gayness of hexes and lvl 11s soloing lvl 20s unbalanced gaming corrected and fixed giving you a easier time playing. All you do is do your Primary quest to advance in story so if your on a island and you want to get to mainland you just do your primary and eventualy you can go to mainland and continue from there. There are also side quests to do which are helpful since some reward you with things or you need to level up quests are the thing to do.

Take it from me no game is liked by everyone I hate halo2 because everyone just snipes no one does **** in that game and halo1 is pistol mainly so I dislike games that have flaws or unbalanced while others dont like it because they suck don't learn or just can't seem to use common sense.

Have fun and rent games before you buy (But MMOs dont do that :p)