While the game has great gameplay theres just these little things that hold it back.
Also you cant have your weapon equiped in town....BOOOOO. If ive spent alot of money I want to show my weapon off in town where people are...nope.
I seriously dont know why in the heck they wont let you have your weapon equiped. Its not like you can attack other players inside the town with it.
This game is filled with names like **** and stuff like that. Yeah awesome. It may be free but features like that attract 9 year olds that do stupid stuff to ruin your game experience. I would like to see some actual moderation of the names and what kind of chat that goes on in the game like in WoW....the rp servers on WoW are very well controlled...or maybe the players on them are just more mature.
Now to get on with the good things about this game
Level cap of 20
this is awesome. For those who dont have time to spend 6 months on a character this is a great feature. And it feels just as satisflying to reach level 20 as it is cap a character in WoW
Great graphix that dont require a 3000$ computer to run.
If you find a good group this game can have you hooked!
Its free! Such great gameplay and not a half-assed job for free!
I like this game its just the features I dont like that keeps me from playing it like I do other games. Great game, pick it up if you cant or dont want to pay for an mmorpg because this is the best your going to get.