Try it and you wont stop playing this game for years.

User Rating: 10 | Guild Wars (Special Edition) PC
Amazing game.just plain and simple this game is probably one of the best if not the best MMORPG in the world today.And this game is definetly better that wannabe WOW.Guild Wars is one of my favorites in the world and there is a big reason for it.this game is addicitve.The first minutes you play you cant stop it slowly pulls you in.quests are also amazing with beatiful cut scenes.Towns have been done perfectly and the World is just big for many months of exciting gameplay.

Graphics: 9.5/10
World: 10/10
Weps/armor: 9.5/10
quests/missions: 10/10
guild system: 9.5/10
Char Creation: 9/10
Monsters: 9/10

These are my ratings on the game...this game is absoloutly supperb easily one of the best games out there and easily bestly it and you will be playing it for a long time to come and its a active game with almost no lag at just play it.