GREAT GAME! best MMO on the market right now...

User Rating: 10 | Guild Wars (Special Edition) PC
Guild Wars is an amazing MMO.

The graphics are stunning, with a great use of bloom effects, yet it runs very smooth on most pcs. Unlike games like EverQuest 2, the graphics are good, yet easy going on your system. The spell effects are exceptionaly good, and also dont create lag every time you go to cast Vampric Gaze.:P

The gameplay is very good. Combat is easy yet very enjoyable and again, unlike EQ2, you dont feel completely locked into combat. You have the freedom of movement that you do even when you are not in combat. Skills are fast to learn and effective.

One of the best parts about this game, is the fact that it has free online play!!! No more nasty monthly fees, at the expense of the game and the expansions costing $50. But hey, thats a small price to pay for no monthly fees.

Play Guild Wars, and stop wasting time on WoW or EQ2.