Pretty good for free online play

User Rating: 6.4 | Guild Wars (Special Edition) PC
Guild Wars is a pretty solid game if your newer to the MMO types on PC games. If your a hardcore gamer, i would advise to stay away from it unfortunately.
The actual gameplay and the story line are just subpar, and can get quite boring after a while. The graphics are decent, while the sound is N/A ( yeah its pretty lame). The fun parts of the game are joining up with a Guild and doing such things as different guild battles at Pvp arenas and such mini games. Thats really the only fun part of the game for me personally, and even that gets really old, really fast.
It is free to play online after you purchase the game, and there is now a few expansions with it, so im hoping the game is a bit more polished and tuned out. There are better MMO's out there such as WoW, which comparisons cant even be made with this game. But if your looking for a more medival, old school, hack n slash, buddy game this may be for you. Just dont believe all the hype about this game.