Guild Wars features low system requirements and high quality entertainment.
Obviously it's easier to run Guild Wars on computers that utilize the dime-a-dozen dual core processors out now, but that's still impresses me.
The graphics aren't going to hold a candle to the latest and greatest HD games on 'next gen' consoles. Even with that in mind I think these are some of the best graphics I've seen in an MMO.
The textures may not be the largest or most detailed but they're crisp and clear and aren't like to the bug-ridden slop being piped out on the mass-produced MMO market these days. This game is devoid of graphical anomalies from what I've experienced, and I've seen most every nook and cranny this game has to offer.
In lieu of over-sized texture files and jaw (or frame rate) dropping details we are given a true gift--game play with substance. Sure, it's easy to reach level 20 and call it a day but you'll find yourself challenged to master your character's multiple facets.
Let the ultimate game of rock-paper-scissors begin! One skill may best a particular type of foe but find itself vulnerable to another. This game gives you eight chances. Eight skills separate the living from the dead, with unlimited chances to revise and re-plan your strategies in adapting to each situation.
For those who aren't great thinkers or planners you can always borrow from community tested and approved 'builds' which others have developed. For people like myself who appreciate the challenge of finding your own way there are few limits to enjoying the game.
With a direct sequel on the way I'm not certain how long Guild Wars can expect to thrive but while it does I suggest any who haven't tried it to give this one a spin. At least then you'll recognize a good game when you see it.