Brilliant game with vey few faults
User Rating: 9 | Guild Wars Factions PC
Guild wars factions was the first online game i played ... its not a mmo its a online rpg but its just as good if not better than most,there is a quite large map and story mode to play through, that will keep you busy for months on end and the plus side it NO SUBSCRIPTION FEE :) its the game of our dreams lol.... the graphhics are quite nice but not too up to scratch and the gamplay is very simple and fun to use, there isnt a brilliant amount of custimiziation on this game armour and equipment wise youll find that everyone will know what equipment is what and whenever something new comes out it gets farmed to death and then becomes worthless..that is the downside to the game and also posative in guild wars there is alot of farming going on and sometimes it defeats the purpose of the game, ive done my fair share of it but once youve finished the game and got all the equipment you need you can moce on to the next campaign.. the funnest part they have introduced is kurziks and lixon territories guilds and pvp areas which are realy fun to play and gets quite competetive,(Go Kurziks!!!) anyway..... what is disapointing about this is character creation and custimization there isnt a huuge amount of options and some just look plain stupid all the campains for the trilogy(and expansion) are very good and is well worth the buy just to try out, this game kept me going and addicted to it for about 3 years (over 2000hours of gameplay atliest) I would recomend this game to anyone.