""Guilty Gear on the ds, what more can you ask for.""
graphics 6/10
The graphics feature a more anime style in these games but it seems limited by the ds real power to get good graphics. The stages are colorful but again feel limited. Overall here, the graphics are just not the same compare to other games on the ds
Music and sound 6/10
Most of the music in this game is hardcore rock and that about it. Since there only rock music in this game, it get old after a while. The sounds the character make are sometimes good to listen to. Here, the music and sound is not really good to be seen listing to it everyday while playing the game.
Game play: 5/10
You have your normal Arcade mode in which you start fighting against one person then up to three. Also, you have a story mode, this is just like arcade mode expect you get treated to a little story that you might not understand for some reason. You have your VS mode to play against a friend (sorry, no wi fi) and challenge mode which is just playing against com until your friend join in. Then there a mode just for this game, Mini games and RK- Factory. In Rk- Factory, you get to make your own move set for Ro bo Ky to use in arcade mode but in order to get these moves, you need to play mini games. These games use the touch feature of the DS. The mini games are just a fun thing to mess around with and get the moves but after you get the moves from the mini games, you may not want to try it again. Once your ro bo Ky is done, you can take it into arcade mode or Vs mode. Ok Majesco, here the big problem, if you are trying to make this game like the past Guilty Gear games then don't put four people in one area because soon it become a Super smash bros rip off. You have four people fighting at once, it just get really tired some. If you are trying to make it like Guilty Gear Isuka, then stick to the party game format, mixing them together is does not make the game better.
Here, the four player battle make the game play seem limited to only that most of the time because you won't be able to pull off your moves sometimes.
Controls: 5/10
You use A button to use your special move, B to use your strong attack, Y for Weak attack and X for the move Dust Strike and the L and R button to do Psych burst and Roman Cancel. That about it, not much here and the control feel bad and not really good respond to the button. That about all I have to stay here.
In the end is it worth it: No, It just not that fun to play over and over again. You can beat in within 3 to 5 hours and your done. You are better off with the Guilty Gear X2 #Reload for the Xbox with online play, the psp version of Guilty Gear X2 or if you have a wii or PS2, get Guilty Gear XX Accent Core which is the newest GG game as of right now.
Next time Majesco, leave the GG games to Arc System Works to make.
Overall Score: 5.1/10