Trashest Fighting Game Since the sloppy Tekken series.
GGI fails miserably on so many levels, for one thing when you play the game on four players or even two players VS the CPU in Arcade mode. Your always constantly attacking your own partner by mistake which makes it tough to actually do anything when all four characters are on the same platform.
You have the ability to go in and out just like in Fatal Fury. Although the person your fighting against hardly ever stays on their side.
There are other modes in the game such as a beat em up that lets you go through 4 or 5 really short stages that are even shorter than beat em up stages on Streets of Rage. You pummel your way through horrible looking levels with bad music just to fight the same boss over and over again.
GGI doesnt' excel over the original game at all. The music is terrible, characters all share the same stages rather than having their own level. Except for the chick who's stage is "China". I don't remember her name but shes the only character with her own level.
The level design is pathetic so you probably wont care much for the stages anyway. Gameplay is also a bit slow compared to GGX or X2.
GGI also has a really cheap annoyying Boss at the very end of the highest survival score level. Its some giant dog inside of a stupid bear like machine that constantly levels up with stronger attacks. You have to literly jump just to hit the stupid thing.