Gamespot gave it an 8.4 but it deserves at least a 9.0
Gameplay not much other than a 2D fighting game but anyways it is loads of fun and the controls work fine but doing a certain attack can sometimes be hard especially if you're getting your butt kicked while you are trying to do it
Graphics those japanese people are wonderful at making graphics because this game has excellent graphics the blood looks cool and the characters look awesome like anime
Sound attacks and awesome music sound good robokai has some awesome things he can do that make really good sounds
Value multiplayer online play a super hard final boss wow i got in around 15 hours and it was a cheap game to get( i got it for 10 buck so it was definately worth it for me)you can probably find it cheap but anyways it has a good story type thing
Tilt a great 2D fighting game possibly the best!!! and it's pretty cheap you should get it!