In a long line of 2D fighters you'd be able to spot out GGXX's hard hitting OST and awesome fighting mechanics. Guilty Gear Is fast, to the point, and awesome. The comboing stystem just rocks, it's so cool you can make your own combo with the roman cancel system, this ability allows you to cancel out of a move immidiatly and so you can connect other moves to a attack you can't normaly combo with. Guilty Gear XX: The Midnight carnival also has a long line of characters all completely different than each other. I've spent hours killing my friends over and over again in this amazing two dimentional fighting game from Sammy, and I don't regret a seconed of it.
Other Helpful Reviews for Guilty Gear XX: The Midnight Carnival
Guilty Gear X2 isn't just the best fighter on the PS2, it's one of the best games ever. Let's start off with the gameplay. It rocks (no pun intended). The fighting system is awesome, as each character is completely di... Read Full Review
It's easily the best 2-D fighter in ages, hands down. Everything about Guilty Gear X2 is well done. Its a sign of what the fighter genre is truly capable of. The cast consists of some 20+ characters. Very unique c... Read Full Review