This game is the best so far feature wise, but what about the rest of it....
-Party Play is a lot of fun, it would be nice to be able to choose a setlist for it, but it's good in general.
-Exporting is great, I would have liked to see more songs be exported, but for $3.50 (World Tour Export Price) and $2.00 (for Smash Hits), I can't complain.
-Band Moments make this game even better for playing with friends.
-The challenges are challenging at times, but for Wii owners who don't have achievements or trophies, it adds a little more to the game.
-Music Store for Wii is all-around better and Wii owners can buy songs in the form of track-packs.
-You don't need a cheat for Hyperspeed!
-Guitar Hero World Tour DLC works for GH5.
The Bad:
-I personally think this has near the worst setlist. Many of the songs aren't fun to play on some instruments and some just aren't fun in general.
-When singing for a band, you have to be 3ft away from the screen (on a 36" hd flat screen) because the words are small.
-The new layout is bad.
--It is hard for you to see your score since it is small.
--Star power is the same, you almost have to decipher it to see if you can activate or not.
--The main menu is difficult to navigate.
-For those who like their privacy like me, I don't like sharing my Wii code to everyone I want to play with online.
-Graphics could have been WAYYYYYYYYYY better!
-Wii price is the same as Xbox 360 and PS3 :(
As much as the bad outweighs the good, I would still recommend it. It is a good game, but could have been better. Who knows, maybe they will release a patch/update. They can, because they already have had to have one to fix the Guitar Hero World Tour DLC.