Woot guitar hero... and Steve Tyler ? ok...

User Rating: 7.5 | Guitar Hero: Aerosmith (Bundle) X360
First of all, this is the first time i've played guitar hero... don't know why i haven't picked it up until now... but i didn't... simple as that.
first of all, i wish i could compare this to any previous installations of the game... but that would be difficult. i'll be explaining everything and rate from here. Oh, and just so you know, i'll explain it as if i'm speaking to someone like me, that is, someone who is extremely new to this game... (i've at least been able to finish the career mode in easy and medium, currently working on Hard).

Gameplay: As we are all (or at least should be) familiar with, this game is played using a very special, very good-looking i might add, guitar shaped controller. The way to play the game doesn't really need explanation but here goes... the colour of the "notes" sliding towards you on screen, symbolize a particular button on the guitar (green, red, yellow, blue or orange) and all you need to do is basically get you're timing right. and then it's all about skill, managing to keep up with the rhythm and go with the flow. On a sidenote, i suggest beginners start off with the tutorial mode.
Score: 8/10

Visuals: Well... there aren't a whole lot of visuals... apart from the character models, which are pretty simple, but you can recognize them all, since their most "famous" characteristics are spot-on.
Score: 6.5/10

Sound: This game is after all about sound, so if that part wasn't any good, nothing would be. just one thing, i felt that some notes timing was a bit off, not that it ruins anything... but it felt weird.

(i would add "Story" here, but i don't see any need to, since there is no story)

Other info: This game is fun, it really is... but it get's harder and harder... right now, i'm not sure if i'll ever be able to reach "expert" at all.
guess time will tell. not much of other info i need you to know... except for that it seems people would rather not spend their money on this if they already have GH:3 legends of rock... which i think could be true, you be the judge.

Overall Score: 7.5/10 (not an average)