Enjoyable for any Aerosmith AND Guitar Hero fan... but a few problems make one wanting for more.

User Rating: 7.5 | Guitar Hero: Aerosmith WII
I'm very fond of Aerosmith's music and was really looking forward to this game, buying it the moment it was on the shelves. However, besides the music, I was a little disappointed. The game itself became a lot easier which, after beating GH3 on HARD, reduced how much I would play it. I would've like a little more of a challenge of the respective difficulties compared to that of GH3. Im aware that GH3 was reviewed as being too hard at times, but after getting used to that level now makes GH:A a little too easy (except for the new Hammer On/Off system)

Also, sadly, the graphics. Ive never been one to rely on Graphics for a game to be good but that also doesnt mean I want the graphics to drop. Since GH:A is using GH3's engine, why does GH3 look so much better with better character animations? It honestly feels as if they were saying "you've seen what we can do, so we dont need to do it again".

Setting aside my bickering, the game itself is still as fun as the first time I picked up a guitar and I still play co-op and battles with friends often.

Here's to Guitar Hero: Metallica!