Marginally more necessary than Revolution X
Still, it is Guitar Hero and the formula can deliver a lot of fun. The game is easier than any before it, which makes it a nice choice for anybody looking to jump in and try out a Guitar Hero game for the first time. Just double check your status in the Aerosmith fan club before running out to buy this one
Presentation:Aerosmith has been infused into the game, but not to the point that you can't instantly see that this is a re-skinning of Guitar Hero III. How does the career mode not start with an Aerosmith song? 7.5/10
Graphics: Joe Perry and Steven Tyler are recognizable, but the animations look incredibly stiff. It's easy to tell that this is a port of the PS2 version 6.5/10
Sound:Aerosmith fans will likely adore the soundtrack. If you're not a fan, this release is not for your ears 8.5/10
Gameplay:It's not as exciting as it once was, but the Guitar Hero formula is still a winner. Some of the songs are too repetitive 8/10
Lasting Appeal: Advanced players will go straight through the game on expert without a hitch. No downloadable content and a better Guitar Hero on the horizon ensure that this one has a visible expiration date 5.5/10
Overall: 8/10
My Verdict: Rent It :/