Oh dear god, what has happened to Guitar Hero?

User Rating: 6.5 | Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks the 80s PS2
This game was surprisingly bad. I put this into my playstation expecting a good game and got Guitar Hero 2 with new songs and like gamespot said a coat of neon. Although there were some good songs in there that I enjoy playing like Turning Japanese, those songs were few and far bewteen. I think it's because the 80's was before my time and I can't really appreciate the songs, at least this is what I hope. Can someone let me know how long Johnny Napalm has been alive? IT's time for a new character line-up because the same old people are getting sorta old. Maybe get some real Guitar Players in there? Just my two cents though so lets all hold hands and pray that Guitar Hero 3 will be better. Also lets hope that MTV dosn't ruin the series even more.