Rock the 80's doesn't really bring anything new to the Guitar Hero formula, but its amazing how its so uninspired.
To start off, Rock the 80's basically recycles the old venues from Guitar Hero 2 and gives it a coat of neon green paint and then they call that new. They are even missing a venue, and some of them don't even look that much different besides the neon paint and the lighting. The characters have also been cut down, you only have about 6 to choose from. And they did get a change or wardrobe. Pandora the goth girl looks more like a school prep now, while Jonny sports the emo hair. The menu's have also gotten a make over, and its basically the same menu with some spray paint, don't fall for thinking its completely redisigned.
As far as the actual game goes, multiplayer is still in place and can still be a blast to play. But what Rock the 80's nailed was what songs they could actually get. There are only 30 songs, and no unlockable songs, which is dissapointing, but the songs are great and really bring out the feel of the 80's. I Ran (So Far Away) by Flock of Seagulls makes an appearance, along with Heat of the Moment by Asia, Holy Diver by Dio, Turning Japanese by the Vapors, 18 and Life by Skid Row, I Wanna Rock by Twisted Sister, Seventeen by Winger, and much more. Most of the Songs are great but some make you wonder where they came from. For example Balls to the Walls by Accept.
When it comes to extra's....don't expect much. Besides one unlockable character, the only thing that you can unlock are some guitars and finishes for the guitars.
For a full price tag, this makes you wonder why its missing so much, well it does offer some fun, but its not worth it. Get it when the price falls. This would make a great downloadable package, but not as a full game on its own.