The 80s are back!
In this game there's nothing new. Only the songs.
The game is like an expansion pack of Guitar Hero 2.
There's less characters to play with but the one that are there, are dressed like the 80s fashion. But the backgrounds are the same than the second Guitar Hero.
There only 30 songs in the game. I know it's not much but personally I really like them (my favorite is : Play With Me).
The difficulty of the game is just has good than the Guitar Hero 2.
There isn't lot of unlockables. Its quite the same that in the last one.There's even less things to unlock in the story mode. But in Co-op you can know unlock new bass guitars to play with.
For those you doesn't have lots of money to spend on games, go rent it. Because it worth playing. But if you have money, so go buy it, because you'll have fun too and you'll could do if you want of course Guitar Hero battle. But it's an expansion so there's no Guitar controller coming with it. But it's still fun.
So that's it and I hope you've enjoyed reading my review.