Very expensive expansion
I wouldn't say I'm disappointed by the effort Red Octane/Harmonix/Activision put into this expansion disc (which is playable on its own), but it is VERY expensive for what is offered.
I should note that my overall score is not necessarily an average of my individual ratings for this game.
Apparently, this was a big problem for GameFAQS in one of my previous reviews...
GRAPHICS: 5 out of 10:
The graphics in GH 2 were not record-setting by any means, and GH 80s does absolutely nothing to improve.
In fact, Red Octane/Harmonix used the same venues, load screens and even the same intro movie with a few cosmetic changes only.
The least Red Octane/Harmonix could have done was to put in some new venues, maybe a bit more 1980s know, like Back to the Future, Revenge of the Nerds etc.
Even your band, including singer, bass player and drummer, are exactly the same as GH 2.
Didn't even change the color of their costumes.
Very pathetic.
They obviously didn't even try.
The only addition I noticed is new 1980s era outfits for your guitar player, which was pretty much a given for this game anyway.
PLAYABILITY: 10 out of 10:
Guitar Hero is a trend-setting game, one of those games that will sell the console all on its own merits.
GH 80s is identical in playability to GH 2.
That's good because the playability is very tight, lots of fun, very addictive etc.
Also, the sound is excellent.
They're finally putting in real tracks from bands like Flock of Seagulls and Scandal, rather than studio covers which are sometimes lame (Judas Priest and ZZ Top from GH 1 comes to mind).
The game doesn't take up a lot of room on your memory card, features a practice mode, gives you a breakdown of how you played the song and offers several skill levels to master.
STORY: 5 out of 10:
And I'm being KIND with that score.
Absolutely the exact same story from GH 2 with absolutely no changes.
Even the cities you travel to and venues you play in are exactly the same.
Again, Red Octane/Harmonix put no effort in at all.
They didn't tweak the story in any way to reflect the 1980s.
It probably deserves a lower score, but I'm being kind.
I guess that kindness comes from the fact they chose very good songs to be in this game, ranging from Balls to the Wall by Accept to Round & Round by Ratt.
I felt the game would have been better ended by including Still of the Night and Paradise City, but I will not complain.
REPLAY VALUE: 8 out of 10:
Most of the 30 songs included in the game are fun to play, and get progressively more challenging as you increase skill level.
It took me a while to beat the game on easy and normal, and haven't even started on hard or expert setting yet.
GH 80s also supports multiplayer which is a blast to play...but of course requires someone to shell out and buy another guitar controller.
OVERALL: 8 out of 10:
A good expansion, but I use the word "expansion" loosely.
I paid $60 for this game, and feel that was overly expensive for what this game offers.
At the same time, if you're a fan of 1980s music and a fan of Guitar Hero, what are you to do?