Guitar Hero 2 rock like the first one!!

User Rating: 10 | Guitar Hero II PS2
Guitar Hero 2 is maked to those guys who wanted a challenge!!Guitar Hero 1 is difficult but the Guitar Hero 2 brings a difficult even bigger!!!And thats what make the game Very GOOD!The musics are very animated and of good composers!The cooperative mode add more excitment to the game! The shop has much many things to buy than the first one, guitar, guitar styles, new caracters, musics, videos, styles for caracters!!!Man if you are thinking that GH2 is worst than the first one!!YOU ARE TOTALLY WRONG! Man the best music ever has been selected in Guitar hero 2!!!SWEET ChilD o Mine!!!!!Man i love this song and in the game makes me love even more! So it is my friends if you are expecting aa very challenger game, a very entertainment and good game, THIS IS THE GAME!!!!!