Let me just say...this game did not deserve a 8.7....
Omg, just the feel of the game is awesome, I find the hammer ons and pull offs to be MUCH easier and it feels so satisfying nailing solos by HO's and PO's.
Anyway, here are the pro's and con's you may be looking for if you're interested in buying the game.
Co-op built right in, face off or play as a band.
mind numbing amount of songs
practice mode (surprisingly, it's reallly good)
graphics fixed a bit up
more characters/guitars/arenas/alt.clothing
...did I say it was fun? ;)
Con's -
Truthfully, there's nothing really that bad about this game...the only thing to say it that it's pretty difficult once you get on expert...I just finished hard mode.
Also, the graphics could use a bit more fix up, but it doesn't matter in a game like this...does it.
Hmm, oh yeah, and the price tag...it's a little shaky, 80 bucks is alot of money...but....like i said, ITS TOTALLY WORHT GETTING :D.
Bottom line my friends, Guitar hero 2 might be one of the best music games ever created...maybe one of the best PS2 games. Anyway, it's a must buy if you're a fan of rock, like to air guitar, has parties frequently, etc. It's just that great!
Oh yeah...TRODGOR!!!