This game is all out better then the first one.

User Rating: 9.6 | Guitar Hero II PS2
This game is the dominant one of the two. With better sound, better graphics, songs, and cooler venues. I had my heart set on this game as soon as it came out. When I bought it, I couldn't have been disappointed at all. With more character choices and the new songs instantly hooked me. The songs are much better then the first games and don't let anybody else tell you otherwise. I think it was a great idea to put in new encore songs. When you first played it you had no clue what you were going to get! And the two new controllers makes it o so sweeter. But in ym opinion the best part about this game is being able to play with my friends as rhythm, bass, and lead really lets us rock out with the feeling of being in a real band! With all of this any Guitar Hero fan will be playing this for hours and hours to come!