button smashing is why it gave it this review
i have guitar hero 1 and 2
#2 is my first gh game is its awesome game but theres 1 thing i hate about it]
to muching freaking button smashing!!!!!!!!!!
and the songs could have been better
gh3 has a great soundtrack
ok now to my point
i love this game and im a righty,so i play on my left,
i have a very bad left side
its harder to strech,write throw,play,etc
since im not a lefty
and when i play my fingers get tired very soon in the game
i can not play anything on hard or expert except for i love rock and roll which is an easy song on gh1
and i dont see how people can clikc a button in time to play a note that fast and in that hard order
sure i need practise but im not that good and i admit it and i still dont understand how people can do this yo