So I heard you like guitars. Play this game! Oh, so you don't. Who cares? Play this game!

User Rating: 10 | Guitar Hero II (Game only) X360
My palms were sweaty. My knees were shaking. My blood was pumping. The crowd was screaming.
I help up my guitar... and missed the first note.
Welcome to Guitar Hero.

Man, this game is AWESOME! Seriously! You get the actual feel of playing a guitar. Before you go all "I bet you never even saw a real guitar" I play a real guitar, it's quite different. You won't learn how to play a real guitar on GHII, but the feeling is there.

The songs are really great. Yeah, sure, there may be MANY covers, but they aren't really bad. You have all sorts of great guitar filled songs. From Nirvana to Guns N' Roses, from Cherry Pie to Free Bird, you gonna love some one.
You can also download some new songs for cost of M$Points.

The game has 4 difficulty levels: Easy, Medium, Hard and Expert.
Easy is for the absolute beginner to get a hang of the game mechanics. You use 3 fret buttons. You'll be over it in 1 or 2 hours of gameplay.
Medium is the real 'easy'. You use 4 fret buttons. First songs are really simple, and last ones are more complex, but never too hard.
Hard is the real deal. You use all 5 fret buttons. It requires effort and practice to master this mode.
Expert is MADNESS! It's just like Hard but with more notes and at higher speed!

This game is a blast in Single Player, but the real beef is plugging the guitar on your 360 during a party. Everyone will love this game. Who wasn't born with "guitar god syndrome" and just likes to sit and watch, will enjoy their sitting and their watching also.
What's AMAZING about this game is that everyone plays it! Either they're good at it or not, everyone likes to give it a shot with the guitar!

This game is fun! Even my mother plays it! Even my dad plays it! Every single person that has walked into my room has asked if he/she could try out the guitar.

Talking about the guitar, it resembles a Gibson X-plorer. It is white.
It may feel a bit uncomfortable at first, but it's not really. It is way smaller than a real guitar, but that's not really important. With this size even 5 year-olds can play it.


FUN: This game is a BLAST!! One of the most fun games I ever played! Everyone will enjoy it. It will be the center of attention of any party, even the ladies (and especially the ladies) will love to play it.

HARDNESS: The 4 difficulty levels provide a good challenge for everyone. It is as hard as you want it to be, depending on the music you want to play.

VALUE: Go ahead! Buy the thing! 90 bucks, why not? It will be one of the most (if not the most) valuable game in your 360 collection! And why not get also the tracks available on Live?

OLDNESS FACTOR: So Guitar Hero III is already out, but this game is different. All songs are different, the guitar is arguably more awesome and you don't have the annoying "Battle Songs".