If you like rock music, you'll love this. If you don't like rock music, it will make you LOVE music.
Graphics: 4/5
Not perfect, and kinda crappy too. Yet, the guitars and characters are detailed, and the singers mouth movement is accurate. The lighting effect is AMAZING. Every single light that flickers sends a sparkle of light on some part of the stage, and as well as lighting, there is a different light show that plays through for every single song. The stages could use some work, but other than that the game is fairly good in the terms of graphics.
Music: 5/5
What would you expect? The game is ABOUT music, and with over 70 playable songs, the music never gets old. All the tracks are in the best quality available, and you can hear it crystal clear!
Game play: 5/5
It would have to be, on the count that there are 4 different difficulty settings available, as well as 3 different multi player options. There are 5 "fret" buttons that roll down a note board. As they come down, you must press the buttons in the responding order. Some come down as "star power" notes, which, after correctly hitting the notes, fills your "star power" meter. When your meter is half full, you tilt the guitar controller upward to activate "start power mode", making all your points sky rocket, and also cause the sounds from the guitar to echo loudly like in a real rock concert!
Replay Value 4/5
After you've played all the songs, you can play them over again in two player mode. As well as career mode, you can play co-op career mode, which is just like the normal career mode only with two players. There are optional bonus songs, but guess what? No download able songs like in the PS3 and Xbox360 version! But it doesn't hurt TO badly, since those songs aren't nearly as fun as the ones included.
Altogether score: 9.5/10
I say this because the only thing that lacks is the replay value, and graphics. I don't care THAT much about graphics, so it doesn't hurt me to much. Buy it, don't rent (if that's possible). The game is good, fun, and "good" music is what makes it remarkably an extremely fun game. Truly a fun game, truly a game for rockers and jammers alike.