I play this game everyday! My hubby is so tired of hearing the songs and screeches that come with trying a new level,HA!
User Rating: 10 | Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock X360
Out of the three games I own(so far) in this Series this is by far the BEST one. I was really happy that I spent the money on getting the XBOX 360 and getting this game to play on it first. All three of my kids play both single player and co-op and also multi that we actually fight about who's turn it is to play. I have a LIVE account and have met and made some interesting friends/people. One guy is in Italy and doesn't speak English, It makes for a great keystone cop moment. I am thrilled that there are so many choices in outfits, guitars, characters and of course the SONGS! Downloads alone make up my biggest play list to date. I still can't beat the whole game on Easy mode yet, can't get past the ending with Number of the Beast and Raining Blood. Those are the only two I haven't gotten 100% on, YET! I have upgraded to Medium and am trying to play Metallica's New songs(Awesome addition by the way.... so worth the points to get!) That my son laughs at me, doesn't matter though It's so much fun just to TRY! I am 5 notes away from finally getting Through the Fire and the Flames perfect on Easy mode. That is my current quest.